UPN and ServeRx reinvigorate strategic partnership to capture an overlooked market segment
One of the most common practices in our pharmacies is the search for non-PBM revenue streams. The main reason is to avoid clawbacks and have a more predictable cash flow. At UPN we are always looking for the best way to make you more profitable while bringing you time-tested strategies. With servers and United Pharmacy Network's preferred vendor program you can take advantage of a workers' compensation claims solution to increase non-PBM revenue. This service is at no cost and the enrollment forms are easy to complete. Below are some of the details as well as some contact information to help get you started. Our teams are ready to answer any questions and even help you through the enrollment process. Source: https://www.upnrx.com/post/upn-and-serverx-reinvigorate-strategic-partnership-to-capture-an-overlooked-market-segment